Awesome Inc. Remembers
Since it has been almost a month since our last post here, it's about time we stepped up. While we formulate some post topic ideas, we hope you enjoy a look back at one of the greatest trips in Awesome Inc. history. JH Naners (Joe), JT (Jamie), NW (Nick), and myself (BBL) took to the road for two weeks three years ago and here is what transpired. This is the first installment of four.
Day 1 (June 18th, 2003) - The first day of what would end up being two week trek around the Great Lakes and Northeast watching baseball began very early. The idea was to leave at
After wedging his bag into the last remaining open corner of the trunk we were off...for 3 minutes. Having forgotten if we had locked the doors to the house we had to turn around and pulled into a driveway that had a huge pothole. The Hybrid took a hit, but was unscathed. This wasn't the best way to start the trip, but turned out to be one of only a few mishaps. After checking the doors we were officially on the road.
We found out that Nick's reason for being late was not getting any sleep after talking to his friend Patty the whole night. Smart move right there! It's always a great idea to start a two-week roadtrip on no sleep. For proof of no sleep here's a picture:
After making very good time we arrived at our hotel in
The Miller Brewery is laid out over many big buildings called the
The old Plank Road House is the first thing you see and looks very historic.
We hit up the Gift Shop and got our complimentary tickets. The tour began with a brief movie about Miller featuring the unmistakable voice of the Miller High Life commercials. After the infomercial we headed outside and were hit in the face by the smell of hops. I was overwhelmed by the smell. The highlight of the tour was seeing the warehouse.
We finished the tour with beer samples and writing postcards to ourselves taking advantage of Miller's generous offer of free postage. My love of beer is shown here:
Jamie, Joe, and Nick took advantage of the fine products in the gift shop on our way out and on to
There wasn't a whole lot to see around the stadium, but there were a couple points of interest. The original home plate of
The gates opened and we headed in to check out the stadium. The roof was closed unfortunately, so the atmosphere was a bit lacking from the start. Jamie and I immediately went to the concession stand for brats, a
After the excitement of batting practice and another brat for Jamie and me, the game was almost underway. Time flies when you are listening to a crazy guy and eating brats. The game itself was rather uneventful with the Cardinals rolling to an easy 9-1 win with the highlights being an Eduardo Perez homer for the Cards and a "Hard-hitting" Eddie Perez homer for the Brewers. Glendon Rusch had some great stuff for the Brewers, but still managed to give up 8 runs in one plus innings pitched.
After filling out another credit card form for a Brewers t-shirt to go along with our stocking caps, we moved around to other seats and ended up lying down on the metal bleachers in right field. Nick fell asleep again, while I went up to experience the stadium from the last row in the upper deck. It was quite the view from that high up.
Day one came to a close after arriving back at the hotel and a quick trip to the nearby gas station for some food. Arizona Iced Teas were on sale and Joe and I took advantage of that sweet deal. Was a good first day, but many more memorable days would be upcoming.
Day 2 (
We were lucky, or maybe unlucky, enough to attend the game on dollar dog day. I had a couple of these very salty franks only because they were so cheap and I wish I hadn't. The game itself was pretty good. The Red Sox were held to one hit for nine innings, but managed to score 3 runs on that one hit. The game went to extra innings tied at three where Billy Koch gave up the winning run in the tenth.
After the game we headed back downtown for some deep dish pizza. After regrouping in our hotel, we headed out for the pizza, but as we reached the hotel lobby we noticed a small entourage by a limo outside. As the group moved inside we noticed it was none other than Don King! He moved quickly, but we did manage to get a picture.
After the Don King experience we walked across the river and to Pizzeria Uno, the birthplace of deep dish pizza. We put in our order while we waited for a table. The place is in an old basement type room that is pretty unique. The pizza was pretty good, but the crust was extremely hard. It might have been better had I not had those dollar dogs. We took to the streets after the pizza and walked the Magnificant Mile to
A stroll past the bars at Rush and Division was next and then we got back on the subway. After riding that around for a while and getting on a couple of wrong trains we finally ended up at the
Day 3 (
We grabbed third row seats in right center field and nearly caught a couple BP homers. The game itself wasn't terribly interesting although the Sox did score six in the first on their way to a 12-3 win.
Eddie Vedder singing the 7th inning stretch was pretty cool, but the real craziness was watching the fans in the bleachers. Loads of drunken guys making idiotic comments, lots of swearing, not nearly enough shirts being worn, and one woman who decided it was spring break and started flashing for the camera phones. The woman was going to be thrown out by one of the ushers, Stanley, but the pleading from the drunken guys changed
After the game, we needed some grub before hitting the road and wanted to try another pizza place. We hit up Gino's East and it was much better than Pizzeria Uno. The walls were covered with written messages and the place was just a cool general.
The pizza was outstanding since they figured out a way to make the crust much softer than Uno's. After eating, we got on the road to
The campus stop only took an hour and then we got back on the road. After a long day, we arrived in