Let's Have a Dialogue Europe
This has been bugging me for quite a while. One of my fellow writers posted an entry about The Ongoing War On Christmas last December. Now, a majority of our traffic goes through this post, why? you ask, two words, GAY RUGBY. At least I think it's gay rugby. I understand what is going on in the above picture about as much as I understand the rules of Rugby. (What the hell is a 'try' and what's the deal with the guys with the white jackets and all the pointing?) I do understand that the Shetland Islands are north of England and west of Norway, and I think that's where these guys are. So I have a few questions. First of all, isn't a little cold up there to be shirtless? Secondly, with all those funny horses that are the size of dogs, how do you have time to be out playing rugby and cavorting in bars if you can just go outside and see one of those little guys. Thirdly, I just don't understand why you all want to see this picture so bad. Looks to me like a bunch of guys with no shirts at a bar. Finally I really can't believe that those are rugby players. Those guys are more flabby and pasty than Prince Charles on an ice cream binge at the North Pole.
So if you all can explain this odd fascination, I would be glad to listen.
Not sure what their fascination is, but it's a worldwide phenomenon and I'm fine with it. All those page hits are making us some money!
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