Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I'm going to copy

Well, JT is going to be much more thorough and fancy with links in his top five comedies on TV. I'll give you my condensed and less flashy version.

#5- The Colbert Report: While it is certainly sad to see Steven leave the Daily Show correspondent role, it is worth it b/c we now get basically double the sarcastic, clever humor with the addition of this show to the Comedy Central lineup. Colbert basically poses as a Bill O'Reilly-esque news anchor who states hard nosed views without much basis or evidence, only he is funny instead of a pompous ass like O'Reilly. This show could catapult up the list, but since it is still in its infancy it has not earned a higher slot.

#4- Late Night with Conan O'Brien- In my opinion he is the only late night network host that is consistently funny. He is good at ad-libbing and making interviews funny even if the guests are less than fascinating. The humor can be a bit over the top sometimes, but at least it's not lame and contrived for the masses like Leno is. And Letterman obviously is a very funny guy but I think the quality of his show has dropped off dramatically in recent years.

#3- The Office- JT will tell you that "My Name is Earl" is in the top five (I disagree based on limited views of it) but I'd say it is wiser to tune in immediately following that show to watch Steve Carrell (another Daily Show disciple) and the Dunder Mifflin crew go through the monotony of an office setting (thanks real world). If you don't like akward pauses, then this show definitely isn't for you. The show was originated as a British comedy that ran for two seasons, which BBL loves by the way. I again haven't given the original much of a shot. I guess I'm from the school of the Americanization. Plus I can't really understand British people when they talk. Look out for Dwight, the loser of the office, although recently promoted to Assistant Regional Manager!

#2- Reno 911!- This Cops style mockery is full of incompetent but hilarious officers. Lt. Dangle is my favorite in his short shorts and gay undertones, but most of the cast and criminals in the bring out the belly laughs. Moving day......Margaritas!!! Brilliant.

#1- The Daily Show- And Comedy Central rounds out the top 5 with 60% of the best of the best. Jon Stewart took over several years ago for Craig Kilborn as the lead anchor. This turned out to be a great move b/c not only is Kilborn's humor mostly a result narcissism, Stewart and his writer's have turned it into a generally politically motivated show pointing out the hypocrisy and absurdity of society and in particular, politicians. The show has a great mixture of immature and sharp humor and in my opinion should be watched by everyone to educate, that's right educate, people of what is going on in the world.

Well, this ended up not being so short and sweet, but it sure wasn't flashy, so I didn't blatantly lie.

J.H. Naners


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