Thursday, January 05, 2006

Tiny Shrink Wrapped Euro Man Balls

Yeah, I've seen enough Euro Man Balls in tiny, tiny Speedos for 2006 already. Unfortuately the gorgeous beaches of Anguilla were partly marred by too many Euros sporting their Speedos. I just don't get this. First of all why are Euros so out of shape? Granted I was Academic All-Region NAIA Tennis and still retain my chisled figure. But seriously these guys all had their pot bellies hanging over their miniscule swimsuits. So that wasn't too great, but the whole trip was outstanding. Maybe I'll get around to posting some pics of me on the trip...if you ladies out there can refrain from trying to break up my marriage. After 15 1/2 hours of air travel today I'm not much for writing a long article, but stay tuned in the next few days for many more posts which I thought up in one of the myriad of airports I was at today. So to sum up this post, wear bigger swimsuits European men; and keep up the good work European women.



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