Thursday, February 02, 2006

It's Your Lucky Day Bill Simmons

I've been thinking about doing something like this for a long time, but Bill Simmons has motivated me to make it happen. People like fellow Awesome Inc. writer BBL get annoyed when I bitch about NBA League Pass putting on the other team's announcers in any game in which the Celtics appear. Mike Gorman and Tommy Heinsohn are hands down the most entertaining announcers in the NBA. Mike is always on top of things and Tommy is capable of breaking off a crazy comment after starting with, "I tell ya what..." So why would you ever put, say, the Bucks announcers instead of Gorman and Heinsohn? I'm not sure, but to better celebrate the genius of Tommy Heinsohn I am going to take the Sports Guy's suggestion: "I can’t believe nobody has created a website that writes down all his quotes during games - how many times do we have to hear things like “You know who Orien Greene remind me of on that play? Oscar Robertson!” before that happens?

I watch ever C's game on League Pass anyway, so I'll do my best to keep track of Tommy's divinely inspired ramblings.

A few of my best Tommy memories:

1. Screaming at referee Dee Kantner after she made yet another terrible call. (Never let your owner design your uniforms Cavs)
2. That car commercial where Mike is calling a fictional game while Tommy busily types away at a computer trying to enter a car contest, he face at the end of the ad is both hilarious and hauntingly creepy.

There will surely be more to come and we will never forget them now that they will be documented on Awesome Inc.

JT(Was there any reason that Damon Wayans got shut of the Oscars for this film?)

PS If anyone could create a website that could erase from my brain everything that Pistons PA guy John Mason (AKA the devil incarnate) has ever said, I would gladly pay you.

BBL note - Here's the great Mason (yes he likes to go by one name) and his signature line "Deeee-troit Basketball!" Amazingly enough this is trademarked by either the Pistons or Mason on the Pistons website. Keep up the good work Mason. Don't let JT bring you down!

BBL (Thanks to for the audio)


At 2/02/2006 8:53 PM, Blogger Awesome Inc. said...

Before he got sued by all his kids, I think Calvin Murphy probably was funnier than Tommy, but I'll agree that he is now the best. A close second to Ralph Lawler. Bingo!!

J.H. Naners

At 2/02/2006 11:40 PM, Blogger Awesome Inc. said...

Hey, lay off Mason! It doesn't get any better than Deeeeeetroit Basketball! At least he's awesome to Piston fans, but can understand others hating him.
I do agree about Tommy being hilarious.

At 2/03/2006 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not so awesome when you have to listen to it fifty times a game. Or your play by play guy, just say traveling, no need to say, "shufflin the shoes," every time.

You gotta see that Ford Commercial though, classic.

What's better? The Lawler's Law Scale or Tommy's Mini-Me?


At 2/07/2006 7:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quotes from Tommy Heinsohn during Celtics games.


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