Thursday, February 16, 2006

Mike Tyson's Punch Out was Totally Sweet

Today we have 124 bits, Hi-def capabilities, live on line play and slim cd-style disks. Even with all that technology most games today can't touch Mike Tyson's Punch Out. The game was released in 1987 and is still totally awesome. The best part of the game was unquestionalby the characters.

If Hollywood had any brains (or balls) they would make a feature film about each of Little Mac's foes in Punch Out. Glass Joe, Piston Honda, Don Flemenco, Bald Bull, Piston Honda, Macho Man, King Hippo, Sandman, Soda Popinski, and of course, the nearly unbeatable Mike Tyson. I don't really have any new or interesting thoughts to add about this game, I just wanted to give it some kudos for kicking ass.



At 2/17/2006 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great timing, I just got Tyson's Punchout for my NES this week. Super Macho Man gave me a lot of trouble but I eventually got past him so that Tyson could kick my ass in under a minute. A movie about the Punchout opponents may be the best idea...ever.

At 2/17/2006 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good call on the movie idea... I was just thinking about this game the other idea and how I was stupid and never actually bought it. I remember after Mike Tyson got convicted of rape, Nintendo released another version of the game simply titled "Punch-Out". The final character was someone else, but I can't remember who. "The Sandman" maybe?... Greatest game ever though...


At 2/18/2006 10:45 AM, Blogger Awesome Inc. said...

Sweet game, no doubt about that. Greatest game ever, though.....that title belongs to a little game I like to call Super Mario Kart.


At 2/18/2006 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MP, random memory here...I remember playing that game (Punch Out) with you in your basement when we were little kids. And, I remember spending several hours down there trying to figure out how to beat Soda Popinksi, because neither one of us had ever beat him at the time.


At 2/21/2006 11:51 AM, Blogger Awesome Inc. said...

That's awesome! I remember it took forever to figure-out how to beat someone. Once you figured it out, though, you could win with your eyes closed.


At 2/22/2006 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great shout-out to Punch Out.

Next shout out - Super Techmo Bowl
(Bo Jackson + "Techmo Cut" = Unstoppable)



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