Saturday, March 25, 2006


So I'm sitting in Ellis Island last week, some people call it "The Gateway to $1 Beers," and I'm playing blackjack. Things hadn't gone well all trip, Syracuse and Michigan State had already lost and I was down a couple hundred bucks. I was sitting next to my friend Phil and this dealer was just crushing us. Every so often I glance to my left, a man is in the anchor position, actually he was playing hands in both of the last two spaces. He was probably sixty, grey hair, a strange outfit (like a guy who rode in the Tour de France about thirty years ago and hasn't changed clothes since) and two watches on his right arm. This guy kept getting great hands and when he would win he would gasp in a strained voice, "Oh thank you Jesus!!! Thank you Jesus!!! OHHHHH did you feel that?" and naturally I replied, "I did feel that one, I felt it." Then he looked me straight in the eye and said, "It takes poise." I had no idea what the hell he was talking about, but I should have listened because I promptly lost $100.

I ask you reader, is there a better place on earth to make you feel better about losing $100 than a karaoke bar, and apparently Ellis Island has a pretty damn good one!!! We sat down at a table in the back where we couldn't really see the singers, but we could definately see a 30-year-old nerdy looking guy dancing by himself, seemingly in a rhythm only he could hear. His style was very hippyish, lots of long languid movements, and he often stuck on arm straight above his head and danced like that for awhile. We were all mesmorized, watching this characiture of a man when all of the sudden a very drunk young lady sat down in BBL's, yes BBL's, lap.Well, evidently Bobby wasn't into her because he said, "I think you broke my hand." Well she was all like, "Talk to the hand" after that.

This is only part of the story however and where it gets a little cloudy for me. BBL will have to take it from here. All I remember is that "Play that Funky Music White Boy" came on the karaoke and a video went up on the screen that went with the song and it was the funniest thing I've ever seen.



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