Stop sucking so much ESPN
In case you haven't noticed, ESPN, or should I say E"SC"N has become completly unwatchable of late. Their obsession with all things "USC" is beyond tired. Seriously, take nothing away from the 2005 Trojans, they are a great team and Reggie Bush is a fantastic talent, but they are far from being one of the best teams of all time. As a general rule, when you give-up 42 points to anyone at home, let alone Fresno frieking State, you are not even close to being one the best teams of all times. That doesn't stop ESPN, though, with their ridiculous countdown of how the "best teams ever" would compare to this year's Trojans. Now, you may be wondering, "MP, why is "best teams ever" in quotes??? Well the reason for that is that any list of "best teams ever" which includes '94 Penn St. (who didn't even win a national championship), '97 Michigan (who only split a national title and would have been frieking killed by the Huskers), and '02 Ohio St. (who needed a miracle to beat god damn Purdue) is comical.
As a side note, Mark May is such an uninformed tool, his presence on that network is reason alone to stay far, far away. Just because he would go down on any member of the current USC squad doesn't make him a good analyst. Mix-in Lou "I put every school I ever coached at on probation" Holtz, and you have one shitty, shitty college football show.
More ESPN "gems":
-Cold Pizza: Someone actually had to say "you know, I think it would be a great idea to have Skip Bayless AND Woody Paige on t.v. at the same time, that would be great!" That person should have been shot on the spot. The only redeeming value to that horrific piece of crap show is that it's 1/2 over by the time I wake-up.
-30 in 30 updates: For Christ's sake, people with fucking amnesia think this thing gets old.
-Stuart Scott (by the way, it was a good thing Zachary BROWN made that gave-saving tackle for the Huskers last night. Otherwise, that would surely have been tough on MIKE Callahan).
-Making you pay for an "Insider" subscription to read any goddamn thing on their godforsaken "website."
MP's Rose Bowl prediction:
P.S. Go here for 52 hilarious reasons why ESPN sucks: